A collaboration with Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno has helped Ullman Group founder Cody Ullman get his new niche luxury brokerage off the ground and gain a foothold in California

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A member of the Christie’s International Real Estate network is making its official debut as a full-service real estate brokerage through a collaboration with Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno, it was announced Wednesday.

Cody Ullman has long operated as a solo agent in Colorado but is now taking the reins as president and founder of The Ullman Group, a brokerage that specializes in the acquisition and resale of ranches, equestrian and vineyard properties, according to the announcement. The brokerages is launching operational bases in San Luis Obispo, California, and Aspen, Colorado.

Cody Ullman | The Ullman Group

“The evolving landscape of real estate increasingly favors unique rural settings, providing enriched lifestyles while offering prospects for tax and investment incentives,” Ullman said in a statement. “We are thrilled to extend The Ullman Group’s reach into California in conjunction with Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno and their expansive network of over 18 offices throughout the state.”

Ullman has two decades of experience as a business owner across real estate, marketing and ranch operations. He has served as director of Christie’s International Real Estate’s Ranch and Equestrian Estates division since the summer of 2020. From 2017 to 2020, he served as co-owner and managing partner of the international ranch marketing and brokerage firm Ranch Marketing Associates.

The strategic partnership with Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno will help Ullman gain a foothold in key California markets as his business grows.

Chris Trapani | LinkedIn

Chris Trapani, CEO of Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno said in a statement, “The launch of The Ullman Group represents a strategic response to the growing demand for unique real estate assets in a more rural or semi-rural setting. Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno is delighted to partner with Cody Ullman and his team to address the evolving needs of those seeking opportunities in ranches, equestrian estates and vineyards.”

The collaboration will allow the two firms to meet the demands of buyers and sellers seeking out unique properties with legacy potential, a press statement explained, while establishing a new standard within this niche of the market.

The Christie’s International Real Estate network will also provide The Ullman Group a competitive advantage through its network of 900 offices across 50 countries and territories.

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